alannah.oleson at
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
University of Denver
In computer science, disciplinary conferences are considered top-tier venues, on par with journal articles. The below section contains only peer-reviewed, archival works.
Factors Influencing the Social Help-Seeking Behavior of Introductory Programming Students
Anael K. Cohen, Alannah Oleson, Amy J. Ko (2024)
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE)
[ACM DL Link]
Teaching Inclusive Design Skills with the CIDER Assumption Elicitation Technique
Alannah Oleson, Meron Solomon, Christopher Perdriau, Amy J. Ko (2023)
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)
[ACM DL Link] [Blog Post Summary]
🏆 Best Paper Award
Funds of Knowledge used by Adolescents of Color in Scaffolded Sensemaking around Algorithmic Fairness
Jean Salac, Alannah Oleson, Lena Armstrong, Audrey Le Meur, Amy J. Ko (2023)
ACM International Computing Education Research Conference (ICER)
[ACM DL Link]
A Decade of Demographics in Computing Education Research: A Critical Review of Trends in Collection, Reporting, and Use
Alannah Oleson*, Benjamin Xie*, Jean Salac, Jayne Everson, F. Megumi Kivuva, Amy J. Ko (2022)
ACM International Computing Education Research Conference (ICER)
[ACM DL Link]
🏆 Best Paper Award for Diversity & Inclusion Contributions
Surfacing Equity Issues in Large Computing Courses with Peer-Ranked, Demographically-Labeled Student Feedback
Benjamin Xie, Alannah Oleson, Jayne Everson, Amy J. Ko (2022)
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), presented at ACM Computer-Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW)
[ACM DL Link]
On the Role of Design in K-12 Computing Education
Alannah Oleson, Brett Wortzman, Amy J. Ko (2021)
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE)
[ACM DL Link]
Computing Students' Learning Difficulties in HCI Education
Alannah Oleson, Meron Solomon, Amy J. Ko (2020)
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
[ACM DL Link] [Blog Post Summary]
Scout: Rapid Exploration of Interface Layout Alternatives through High-Level Design Constraints
Amanda Swearngin, Chenglong Wang, Alannah Oleson, James Fogarty, Amy J. Ko (2020)
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
[ACM DL Link]
Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Inclusive Design
Alannah Oleson, Christopher Mendez, Zoe Steine-Hanson, Claudia Hilderbrand, Christopher Perdriau, Margaret Burnett, Amy J. Ko (2018)
ACM International Computing Education Research Conference (ICER)
[ACM DL Link]
Semi-Automating (or not) a Socio-Technical Method for Socio-Technical Systems
Christopher Mendez, Zoe Steine Hanson, Alannah Oleson, Amber Horvath, Charles Hill, Claudia Hilderbrand, Anita Sarma, Margaret Burnett (2018)
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)
[IEEE DL Link]
🏆 Best Paper Honorable Mention
Gender-Inclusiveness Personas vs. Stereotyping: Can We Have it Both Ways?
Charles Hill, Maren Haag, Alannah Oleson, Chris Mendez, Nicola Marsden, Anita Sarma, Margaret Burnett (2017)
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
[ACM DL Link]
General Principles for a Generalized Idea Garden
William Jernigan, Amber Horvath, Michael Lee, Margaret Burnett, Taylor Cuilty, Sandeep Kuttal, Anicia Peters, Irwin Kwan, Faezeh Bahmani, Amy J. Ko, Christopher J. Mendez, Alannah Oleson (2017)
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC)
[Elsevier Link]
GenderMag Experiences in the Field: The Whole, the Parts, and the Workload
Charles Hill, Shannon Ernst, Alannah Oleson, Amber Horvath, Margaret Burnett (2016)
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)
[IEEE DL Link]
Programming, Problem Solving, and Self-Awareness: Effects of Explicit Guidance
Dastyni Loksa, Amy J. Ko, William Jernigan, Alannah Oleson, Christopher J. Mendez, Margaret M. Burnett (2016)
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
[ACM DL Link]
Toward Theory-Based End-User Software Engineering
Margaret Burnett, Todd Kulesza, Alannah Oleson, Shannon Ernst, Laura Beckwith, Jill Cao, William Jernigan, Valentina Grigoreanu (2017)
Chapter in New Perspectives in End-User Development, F. Paterno and V. Wulf, eds.
[Springer Link]
It's Time for More Critical CS Education
Amy J. Ko, Alannah Oleson, Mara Kirdani-Ryan, Yim Register, Benjamin Xie, Mina Tari, Matthew Davidson, Stefania Druga, Dastyni Loksa (October 2020)
Communications of the ACM (CACM)
[ACM DL Link]
Smart Guide to Capture Digital Images that Align with a Target Image Model
Alannah Oleson, Radomir Mech, Jose Echevarria, Cynthia (Jingwan) Lu
Filed Feb. 2018 as US15/897,951. Published as US20190253614A1 and US10574881B2.
[Google Patents Link]
EduCHI 2023: 5th Annual Symposium on HCI Education
Colin Gray, Craig M. MacDonald, Carine Lallemand, Alannah Oleson, Anna R. L. Carter, Olivier St-Cyr, Caroline Pitt (2023)
Organizer for the 5th Annual Symposium on HCI Education @ CHI 2023, the final one before it became a standalone conference
[ACM DL Link]
Toward the Development of HCI Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Alannah Oleson, Amy J. Ko (2020)
EduCHI 2020: 2nd Annual Symposium on HCI Education @ CHI 2020
The GenderMag-Teach Project
Margaret Burnett, Zoe Steine-Hanson, Alannah Oleson (2019)
EduCHI Symposium 2019: Global Perspectives on HCI Education @ CHI 2019
Gender Biases in Software for Problem-Solving
Margaret Burnett, Anita Sarma, Christopher Mendez, Alannah Oleson, Claudia Hilderbrand, Zoe Steine-Hanson, Amy J. Ko (2018)
Designing Technologies to Support Human Problem Solving Workshop @ VL/HCC 2018
Integrating Inclusive Design and Computing Education
Alannah Oleson (2023)
To fulfill requirements of a Ph.D. in Information Science at the University of Washington
[ProQuest Link]
CIDER: A Method to Teach Practical Critical Software Design Skills
Alannah Oleson (2022)
SIGCSE DC @ ACM International Computing Education Research Conference (ICER)
[ACM DL Link]
Supporting Critical Software Design Decision-Making in HCI Education
Alannah Oleson (2022)
DUB DC @ the University of Washington